• Sun Structers

    Sun Structers

    Dallas, Texas

  • Time


    Time, something I've been short on of late... but today I had time to get bored and try an idea I've had for a while. I kind of like how it came out but then again I am partial to the models... two war torn veterans of the past century, my great grandfather's poor old watch, which no matter how many times I get it fixed, its arm falls off and a dear friend that bears the marks of 100 plus years of, grannies and church ladies with large rings... children of more than a few generations reaching up to pop the little piece of ivory right off the key with a squeal of delight... and even me, a drink by my side, pounding away while switching randomly between moonlight sonata and the theme from the pink panther... it's a trooper is it. Time does seem to leave its marks I suppose some are scars but most can only be viewed as badges of honor. (side lit with a candle)

  • One World Trade Center

    One World Trade Center

    from Washington Square

  • 1z_12__1_of_1_


  • The Golden Spiral

    The Golden Spiral

    The interior of The Thanksgiving Chapel - downtown Dallas, Texas

  • Goodnight Moon

    Goodnight Moon

  • Ascension


    But through the sight, that fortified itselfIn me by looking, one appearance onlyTo me was ever changing as I changed.Within the deep and luminous subsistenceOf the High Light appeared to me three circles,Of threefold colour and of one dimension...Divina Commedia, Paradiso - Canto XXXIII~Alighieri Dante

  • Guernica


    with apologies to Pablo.

  • Lateralus


  • The Space Between

    The Space Between

    Dallas, Texas

  • Pompeii


  • Unplayed Piano

    Unplayed Piano

  • Gulliver's Lament

    Gulliver's Lament

  • Bittersweet


  • Of Warm Impermanence

    Of Warm Impermanence

  • 1this_one_i_love_but_the_sky_is_fucked_up__by_catch_by_ldrphotography_d5jbxwa


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  • 1valentines_8__1_of_1_


  • Tower of Babel

    Tower of Babel

    Dallas, Texas

  • Tightrope


  • 1whimsy_3__1_of_1_


  • 1witer_273__1_of_1_


  • X


The Nature of Man